21 participants from 12 NODE companies completed a university level course in Innovation Management.
GCE NODE initiated the course, which was offered by the Business School at the University of Agder. Main lecturers were Tor Helge Aas, Arne Isaksen and James Tommy Karlsen.
Guest lecturers included entrepreneurs and CEOs from RedRock, Air Products, Quickflange, Otechos, Nøsted Kjetting og Voca, as different parts of the course were hosted by NODE companies in Tvedestrand and Mandal.
“Half the group has chosen to submit a paper within six months. This will give them 10 credits towards a master’s degree. We are very happy with this group and the level of interest and enthusiasm the participants showed”, says Project Manager Bjørn Saltermark at GCE NODE.
This course was supported by Sørlandets kompetansefond, Regionalt Næringsfond Arendal, Grimstad og Froland and Listerfondet.