“We are keen on learning more about the market in the US and happy to meet with a representative that could open doors for us in Houston,” says Sigve Myhre, Business Development Manager at Firenor.
He recently met with Shervin Sadeghi, the new Norwegian Energy Partners Senior Energy Advisor for the US, at the GCE NODE offices in Kristiansand.
Shervin Sadeghi is a professional with global expertise across the energy value chain and a strong understanding for the energy supply chain. Over the past nine years in Houston, Shervin has driven growth for Lloyd’s Register Energy and Vysus Group. He is now hired by Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP).
“I am interested in learning more about your current clients, their profile, and the purchaser’s position in their organization. I also want to learn who is your competition, and if you have specific goals for the US market,” Sadeghi told Myhre.
Offering fire protection systems, Firenor has enjoyed great success in the offshore wind industry lately.
“Last year, 25 per cent of our revenue came from offshore wind. Today, now offshore wind is 90 per cent of our revenue,” explained Myhre.
His motivation for meeting the Houston-based advisor was clear.
“Houston is all about oil and gas. Even though we have had success in renewables, we do not want to put all our eggs in the offshore wind basket. We are also looking at oil and gas projects, not exclusively in the US, but also in the US,” says Myhre.

During his presentation Myhre showed how refineries and processing plants are just a small part of current Firenor business. Sadeghi quickly concluded that this segment could present great opportunities in and around Houston.
“But why should a US customer buy a fire protection system from you and not from a local Houston-based supplier? asked Sadeghi.
“We offer great quality, great customer service, and we are also highly competitive on price,” said Myhre.