The webinar will be hosted through Microsoft Teams.
Event Details
ELBE is an EU-funded project that aims to contribute to positioning Europe as the world technological and industrial leader in Blue Energy, with a special focus on floating offshore wind, wave and tidal energy.
With introductions by Morag McCorkindale (AREG) and Marcos Suarez Garcia (Basque Energy Cluster) providing an overview of the ELBE project, you will be given insight into the activities that are being undertaken as part of ELBE, the levels of support that are available and how you can benefit from the project.
We will also have cluster member representatives from Spain, France, Norway and Sweden available as part of a panel during the question and answer session at the end of the webinar.
Speaker – Marcos Suarez Garcia – Project Manager, Basque Energy Cluster (Spain)
Panel – GCE NODE (Norway), Pole Mer Mediterranee (France), OffshoreVast/RISE (Sweden)