PRIO is the largest independent oil producer in Brazil. The oil company has been growing fast through acquisition of mature fields divested from the majors. Their main focus are mature fields redevelopment, subsea tie-back, increasing production and extending the life of the fields. This is part of our series of webinars featuring oil companies in Brazil – a platform for them to showcase their projects and engage in interactive discussions with Norwegian suppliers.
PRIO (formerly PetroRio) is the largest independent oil producer in Brazil:
- currently operates 5 fields in Brazil: Polvo, Albacora Leste, Wahoo, Tubarão Martelo and Frade
- with 5 offshore fields: 2 shallow water and 3 deep water
- has been growing fast through acquisition of mature fields divested from the majors, like Petrobras and Chevron
- main focus are mature fields redevelopment, subsea tie-back, increasing production and extending the life of the fields
- current production average is 91.000 bbp and the lifting cost is USD 7.4/barrel (Q2-23)
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