The digital transformation has been drastically accelerated by Covid-19 and forces us to reflect on how we present ourselves and how we reach out to potential clients.
In this webinar, we will together with Leadify address some of the key challenges that businesses are facing when attempting to attract new customers in this increasingly digitalized world.
Together we aim to answer key questions such as:
- How does the B2B-buyer’s journey look like in 2020 and beyond?
- What are the most effective ways to reach out to the customers and for them to find you?
- How can you restructure the way your sales presentation is built up today?
- What are the key elements in your presentation that will increase your visibility?
Join us and discover how you can use this time of transformation to re-think the way we do business.
We encourage participants to prepare some questions in advance of the webinar and send these to latest by Monday 21 September.