We invite all interested parties in a one-day complimentary event where academic researchers in the field of geothermal energy meet up the industry. The purpose of this workshop is to build strong consortias, share ideas and needs, and thus create relevant research and development projects via Innovasjon Norge and Norges Forskningsråd (and other…
Welcome all to:
Epicenter – Disruption Hall. Edvard Storms gate 2, 0166 Oslo. https://weareepicenter.com/oslo/
26th January 2023 from 0900-15:30, CGER-Tentativt Program
You are warmly welcome to join in person. This is however a hybrid event so you can also join digitally via Zoom.
To keep track of participants, please register via this Zoom link:
An accellerated development of geothermal solutions in Norway is required for a more effective use of electric energy. Savings up to 35 TWh/year for heating and cooling purposes in existing buildings can be technical feasible with ground source heat pumps in Norway. Internationally, the use of underground heat can produce electric energy as base load in integrated energy systems. Any energy not spent, is entirely conflict free and the solutions proposed here are areal effective, local and thus saves Nature. The freed up, and additionally produced electrical energy, can aid a broader electrification of the energy sector – desperately needed to reach the +1.5°C target.
In this workshop the industry, that performs energy mapping, design solutions, develop and operate such geothermal technologies meet up with academia. Large building owners are also invited in to participate. Research proposals are pitched, and the industry and owners are welcome to pitch in their research need.
To join, send email to: aner@norceresearch.no
Acknowledgments are given to Norges Forskningsråd through their program for “Koordinerings- og støtteaktivitet Arrangementsstøtte”.