We hereby invite you to our initial Teams meeting where we will present our proposal for “Centre for Research-based Innovations for Life Extension of Offshore Assets” (“SFI LEO”).
This groundbreaking initiative has been spearheaded by the coastal research partners, including:
- University of Agder (Mechatronics)
- UiS (CIAM and OTICS)
- NTNU (Ålesund)
- NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Join us as we embark on a journey to improve the offshore industry, ensuring longevity, sustainability, and cutting-edge innovation. Let’s shape the future together!
The Research Council of Norway will announce their call for the Centres for Research-based Innovation scheme by early April 2024. The deadline for a first step application (of two) will be 18th of September 2024.
To attend the initial Teams meeting sceduled 11 April at 13:00-14:00, please register here: