
20 September | 12:30 - 15:00 | Kristiansand | Open for all

Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP), in cooperation with GCE NODE, invite you to participate in a Network Meeting.

The meeting is held in GCE NODEs office in Tordenskjoldsgate 9, Kristiansand


12:30 Light lunch
13:00 Welcome by GCE NODE
13:05 Market Outlook, Presentation of the global oil and gas offshore market 2020-2023, Håkon Skretting, Director Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP)
13:50 Opportunities for Norwegian Suppliers offshore east coast Canada, Dave Keating, Local Advisor Canada,
Norwegian Energy Partners.
14:35 Global Growth program Canada Ivar-Jo Baunbæk Theien, Senior Advisor, Innovation Norway
14:50  Q&A
