
29 April | 17:00 - 19:30 | Kristiansand, Bankkjelleren | Members only

Top Manager Forum, by special invitation only.

Speaker: Jarand Rystad, Rystad Energy

Vi får besøk av Jarand Rystad, Managing Partner i Rystad Energy. Tema for hans presentasjon er:

  • Oljeprisen har kollapset – kan vi vente et relativt raskt comeback, eller vil den forbli svak lenge?
  • Riggbransjen ligger sent i syklusen, og kan se mange tøffe år fremover.
  • Vil dette føre til at eldre rigger forsvinner ut av den globale riggflåten?
  • Hva skjer med riggene i Brasil? Vil SETE erstatte lokale rigger med internasjonale?
  • Er fordelen med nye rigger og nytt utstyr så store at man likevel bygger nytt?
  • Vil det bli bygget plattformer med faste boreanlegg fremover?
  • Konsekvensene for Kristiansand-klyngen.

Jarand founded Rystad Energy in 2004 and is managing the firm. Jarand has extensive experience in oil and gas strategy advisory work from McKinsey and Rystad Energy. He has led a number of strategy projects for international oil and gas companies and oilfield service companies. He has also worked with governments and international organizations on topics related to the global energy agenda, and he is advising investors on deal screening, transactions and portfolio management. He is among the most citied petroleum analysts in the industry and been the key note speaker on numerous international conferences. His areas of expertise include E&P strategy, asset and company transactions, macro analysis and oil service industry analysis. Jarand has also worked for Kvaerner Engineering and as a research scientist within Industrial Economics, gaining wide expertise in statistics and programming. Jarand holds an M.Sc. degree in Physics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where he majored with a thesis on astroseismology. He also has an academic background in philosophy. Jarand has been the leader and founder of various organizations.

If you have received a personal invitation, you may register for the event here.