The main topic of the conference is Oceans in Change.
As the world’s population grows, so does the need for food, new energy resources, new blue technologies & jobs while keeping our oceans clean.
How can Blue Technology contribute? What is Norway’s role as a Sea Nation?
What are the latest advances in: Aquaculture; Deep Sea Mining; Surveillance of Oceans; Autonomous Ships…?
Join us in May, LET’S TALK!
Our speakers will discuss relevant topics linked to research on how climate change affects the oceans, the coast, its people and infrastructure. As the world population grows, so does the need for food, new energy resources, new blue technologies & jobs.
How can Blue Technology contribute? What is Norway’s role as a Sea Nation?
Aquaculture, Ethics and how to feed the world; Plastics in our Oceans; Deep Sea Mining; Surveillance of Oceans; Autonomous Ships… are among the topics that will be discussed
Program & other Information