
29 November | 09:00 - 12:00 | Kristiansand | Members only

Only for SFI partners


  • Prof. Thomas Bäck, Leiden University:  Natural computing, deep learning
  • Isabelle-Louise Aabel, EU Advisor GCE NODE: EU funding opportunities 2020 / 2021
  • Stian Anfinsen, Strategisk Rådgiver NORCE: Innovation and Innovation management

Møtet avsluttes med en enkel lunsj.

Prof. Thomas Bäck, Head of Natural Computing Research Group and Director of Education at the Leiden Institute of Advanved Computer Science (LIACS), Leiden University
With more than 27000 citations and H-index of 56, Prof. Bäck is one of the top international scientists in evolutionary learning and natural computing. This talk will present concepts and methods combining supervised learning and evolutionary optimization for automation of machine learning.

Examples of application into industrial processes will be shown.

Adresse for dagen: GCE NODE, Tordenskjoldsgate9, 4612 Kristiansand, møterommet BD Lab 

Påmelding gjøres pr mail til Øyvind Haugen; oyvind@gcenode.no