
17 February | 12:00 - 13:30 | Digital meeting | Open for all

A project designed to develop and bring together the Agder floating offshore wind industry will present itself in this webinar. Please join in to learn more!

The project, called Floating Offshore Wind, is headed by Project Manager Kjell O. Johannessen and Audun Skare, Project Manager at GCE NODE. Project participants include GCE NODE, Eyde Cluster, NHO Agder, University of Agder, Agder County and Green Energy Network.

This meeting is co-hosted by SINPRO.

The Floating Offshore Wind project is organized in six work packages:

WP1: One joint Agder
WP2: Politics and tools
WP3: Ecosystem and mapping of technology
WP4: National and international coordination
WP5: Laws and standards
WP6: Market

PLEASE NOTE! This meeting is a copy of the meetings we arranged 27. 01, 28.01 and 4.2. on the same subject.
The webinars will be in Norwegian, and include a Q&A session.

Please sign up today!