Russia’s unjustified and brutal war in Ukraine has changed the political landscape of Europe in a way unseen since the end of World War II. With the arrival of refugees from Ukraine, its consequences are also felt in Norway. Furthermore, Finland and Sweden have embarked on a path towards NATO membership, and the European Union, in general has become a central force in orchestrating Europe’s overall response vis-à-vis Russian aggression.
What does this mean for EU-Norway relations in the years to come? How can both partners work closely together to address some of the key issues related to the war in Ukraine – as well as other closely intertwined issues that dominate the current bilateral agenda?
12:30: Welcome
Anne Pintsch, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, UiA
12:45: EU and Norway: Navigating together in a Turbulent Time
Nicolas de la Grandville, EU Ambassador to Norway, Oslo
13:15: Panel Discussion
- Erik Rostoft, Deputy Mayor of Kristiansand
- Sunniva Whitaker, Rector, UiA
- Isabelle-Louise Aabel, EU Advisor, GCE Node
- Christophe Pinck, International Affairs and EU Advisor, Eyde
- Nicolas de la Grandville, EU Ambassador to Norway
- Moderation Clare P. Jortveit and Stefan Gänzle, UiA
14:30: Reception
Snacks and light refreshment
Registration is not required.
Venue: University of Agder, Room Gimle 25 E U 007
Further information and how to find Room Gimle 25E