The French offshore wind market is moving ahead with the start of construction of the first 3GW of fixed offshore wind, and with the first permits and FID for the first demo for floating offshore wind farms. In parallel to this, the market is currently experiencing the arrival of new actors who wish to take part in the market’s huge potential.
In this webinar we will give you an update on the development of the French offshore wind market, current and planned projects, upcoming tenders for both fixed and floating offshore wind, local content policy, and business opportunities for Norwegian companies.
- Welcome – Knut Erik Steen, Director, Norwegian Energy Partners
- Update on the French Offshore wind market and business opportunities for Norwegian companies – Charles Smadja, Energy Advisor, Norwegian Energy Partners
- Local content policy- Eli Wærum Rognerud, Head of Export, Innovation Norway Paris
- Upcoming activities of interest for Norwegian companies in France and how Team Norway can support – Eli Wærum Rognerud, Head of Export, Innovation Norway Paris, and Knut Erik Steen, Director, Norwegian Energy Partners
- Q&A
Practical information
The event will be held in English. Presentations will be made available after the webinar.
Venue: Webinar – Zoom.
Participation: There is no participation fee.
Webinar Instructions
• Registration closes on 26 May.
• The event will take place on the Webinar application Zoom. Once registered you will receive a link by email to join the webinar by latest 27 May.
• The meeting will only be made available for pre-registered attendants approved by Norwegian Energy Partners.
• When signing up for the meeting, you agree that Norwegian Energy Partners may register you as a participant with Zoom.
• If you wish to join the webinar through web browser, we recommend to use Google Chrome.