France was late out of the starting blocks but has now tipped to become one of the world’s leading offshore wind markets. As part of its ambitious energy transition plan, the French Government is planning to release tenders for for 8.75 GW of offshore wind energy capacity in the period up to 2028, including several commercial tenders for floating wind. This comes in addition to seven bottom-fixed projects and four demo project for floating wind already under development.
In total, France has now made legal commitments to increase installed offshore wind capacity with 1 GW annually to 2.4 GW by 2023, and 5.2 GW by 2028. Along with high ambitions and several tenders, important adjustments have been made to simplify tender and planning processes, making it easier for international actors to participate. This also creates exciting opportunities for Norwegian developers and suppliers.
Team Norway Paris with Norwegian Energy Partners, invite you to learn more about these opportunities, and how to engage with the French industry. The webinar will be followed up with more specific project updates and online B2B meetings with French stakeholders in the autumn.
13:00 Welcome by Knut Erik Steen, Director Wind, NORWEP
13:05 An accelerating French OW market by Eli Rognerud, Head of export Innovation Norway Paris
13:25 French OW projects and actors by Charles Smadja, Energy Advisor France, Spain & Portugal, NORWEP
13:55 Q & A
13: 25 Closing remarks
13:30 End of webinar
This is an online webinar which will be held on Thursday 11 June from 13:00 – 14:30 CEST.
- Register through the link above. The meeting will be made available for pre-registered attendants only and you will receive a link prior to the webinar.
- The event will take place on the Webinar application Zoom.
- When signing up for the meeting, you agree that Norwegian Energy Partners may register you as a participant with Zoom
- You may attend the webinar by web browser in case company policy prohibits downloading the application.
This is a Team Norway Event