The project was initiated by GCE NODE and the Eyde network, a cluster for the process industry in Norway.
NEW aims to promote women in the manufacturing, petroleum, energy- and maritime related industries, to advance female leaders, to increase the knowledge about women in hard-hat jobs, and to offer a network of female professionals. NEW organizes events, visits companies in the Agder region and speaks with 10th grade classes about job opportunities. NEW also organizes an annual family day at the Science Center (Vitensenteret) in Arendal.
NEW partners with the University of Agder (UiA), the municipal and county governments in Agder, as well as other stakeholders, to make the region and the GCE NODE and EYDE participating companies attractive places for women to work. The long term goal is to enhance the quality of life in the region, and improve the regional offering of skills and workforce development.
A network of 400 and more women meet at NEW events, or take a more active part in the network by participating in one of NEW’s groups:
NEW Faces organizes school visits, and offers presentation skills and pedagogy training to the ambassadors.
NEW Mentor is a cross-cluster initiative to partner women and men from NODE and Eyde companies with experienced professionals from another industry, through a mentorship program.
NEW Communications supports NEW’s strategy through reputation management and membership communications, and furthermore helps each group achieve their participation targets, by giving exposure to diverse activities through various communications channels, such as NEW’s Facebook page, web page and newsletter.
NEW Facts was a project to gain knowledge about gender diversity issues and women in the GCE NODE and Eyde companies. To mark NEW’s 10 year anniversary, a third NEW Facts analysis and report will be performed to document developments during the last 10 years.