Geir Jørgensen, Head of Industrial Development and Innovation Management at Agderforskning.

Geir Jørgensen at Agderforskning encourages NODE-companies to use NODE as a platform for open innovation.

“NODE is a mature cluster where the businesses share a common industrial culture, which constitutes a good framework for communication and a potential for establishing trust between companies. This provides an opportunity to make full use of the cluster potential”.

”Define what can be shared and what is sensitive to competition. Use NODE as a platform for open innovation. Share knowledge, experiences and ideas – and then compete to bring these to the market”, said Jørgensen in his presentation at the kick-off for NODE’s Cluster Development Program recently.

Jørgensen, Head of Industrial Development and Innovation Management at Agderforskning, pointed out that open innovation is a source for creating a competitive advantage, but that it requires reciprocity.

“NODE is like a potluck, which is a meal where all guests contribute a dish of food to be shared. If you want to eat at the NODE table, you have to bring a dish. If nobody puts food on the table, there is nothing to eat”.

Jørgensen’s presentations (in Norwegian only):

Samarbeidsmuligheter for bedriftene i NODE – Presentasjon for NODE 25082015

Veien til økt konkurransekraft for mekanisk industri – Presentasjon for NODE 24082015

Mekanisk industri i Agder – Status utfordringer og forslag til tiltak


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