National Competence Center for Offshore Wind is located in Kristiansand.

The National Competence Center for Offshore Wind is looking for its first six employees.

“Following the allocation of funds from the Norwegian government and Sparebanken Sør, we are now ready to recruit the core team at the competence center,” says Rune Klausen, Interim CEO of Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for havvind (National Competence Center for Offshore Wind).

In the initial phase of recruitments, the competence center announces two positions for offshore wind coordinators.

An additional four positions are announced for candidates with interdisciplinary competence within
• offshore wind
• climate, environment and corporate responsibility
• judicial matters
• market and communications

“We are looking for candidates with relevant education or experience who are keen on working in a start-up-like environment with a greater purpose. The National Competence Center for Offshore Wind aspires to the leading center for offshore wind with a mission to develop Norwegian industry within the field,” says Klausen.

Read more about the positions:
Offshore wind coordinator
Future-oriented competence

Applications are accepted till 6 October.