The 2020 Annual Meeting with proper social distancing measures.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the GCE NODE Annual Meeting will be a digital event on April 22. The Top Leader Forum is postponed.

“According to the GCE NODE Articles of Association, the Annual Meeting must be held within the end of May. We would of course love to meet physically, but under the current circumstances we are left with no other option than to conduct the meeting as a digital event,” says Tom Fidjeland, CEO of GCE NODE.

An invitation will be sent to all GCE NODE participants before the end of March.

The Annual Meeting is traditionally followed by a Top Leader Forum later the same day. The Top Leader Forum is an arena for top executives of GCE NODE participants to learn, discuss and socialize.

“Due to the nature of the Top Leader Forum, we have decided to postpone the event until it is again safe and advisable to meet,” says Fidjeland.