Small and medium-sized GCE NODE participants may apply for travel grants to join the Norwegian delegation to OTC in Houston in May.

Grants are limited to NOK 15,000 per company.

The following conditions apply for applicants:

  • Must be a registered participant of GCE NODE
  • Must have less than 250 employees
  • Must attend the NorTex Data Science Cluster Workshop at Rice University on Wednesday May 3.
  • Must document total costs and in-kind hours. Such documentation is to be submitted before reimbursement. The grant covers a maximum of 50 per cent of total costs (i.e. the sum of travel expenses and in-kind hours must exceed NOK 30,000).

Please submit a short application no later than Tuesday March 28 to (phone: +47 974 71 222). Include a summary of what you plan to achieve during OTC 2017. Travel support scheme is financed by The Research Council of Norway.

The Norwegian Delegation to OTC 2017
The annual OTC exhibition and conference in Houston is a very important venue, if not the most important for Norwegian oil and gas companies that seek to export Norwegian technology and services internationally. It is in the industry’s interest to give as many companies as possible the opportunity to attend.

Last year, OTC Houston was a grand experience with lots of opportunities for networking, technical updates and market updates. The Norwegian delegation had almost 200 participants, and Norwegians travelling by separate arrangements also regularly visited delegation events.

A main goal is to meet potential American customers and partners, but many Norwegians also underline the value of meeting interesting Norwegian customers or partners that they otherwise have difficulties arranging meetings with.