GCE NODE has scheduled a series of 13 Breakfast Meetings in Kristiansand, Arendal, Grimstad, Mandal and Farsund in the fall of 2021.

“Back in the day, Breakfast Meetings were highly popular items on the NODE activity calendar. Serving as an arena for getting-to-know suppliers, customers and competitors, the meetings laid the foundation for what evolved into a flourishing world-leading cluster,” explains Bjørn Saltermark, Project Manager at GCE NODE.

“We are happy to put Breakfast Meetings back on the calendar, and we believe they will serve an important purpose also for a mature cluster, such as GCE NODE,” says Saltermark.

Building both competence and relationships, Breakfast Meetings include a talk and a discussion in a setting with plenty of time to meet and mingle.

“People should come to learn and to socialize. There will be a competent person to enlighten us all, but also time to drink coffee and enjoy a sandwich,” says Saltermark.

GCE NODE comprises around 100 companies and organizations. Most of them are long-standing participants, but every year there is some turnover.

“Breakfast Meeting will also serve as an arena for newcomers to present themselves and get to know others,” says Saltermark.

All Breakfast Meetings are physical meetings. Some of them are likely to be streamed online to include participants from other parts of the region.