State Secretary Ingvil Smines Tybring‐Gjedde at the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (right) visited the GCE NODE stand at OTC 2018. Left: Anne-Grete Ellingsen, CEO of GCE NODE.

GCE NODE, Greater Stavanger, GCE Subsea, Subsea Valley, Norwegian Energy Partners, NCE Energy Technology, Norwegian Energy Solutions, have the pleasure of inviting you to join the Norwegian delegation, Norway2OTC.

A delegation from Agder consisting of company representatives, public officials and key research and academic personnel will be travelling to Houston. The OTC program is being tailored with parallel sessions to ensure relevance for all participants.

The planning committee consists of both Agder counties, the municipalities of Kristiansand and Arendal, Innovation Norway and GCE NODE.

The Norway2OTC delegation offers joint travel and accommodation, administrative support and a variety of seminars and activities during your stay at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas on May 6 – May 9.

OTC celebrates 50 years in 2019, and is still one of the most important global offshore events. Join the delegation and explore how new technology, best practices, emerging trends and proven methods are impacting the transforming landscape of the offshore oil and gas industry.

Details regarding the delegation program are available on the Norway2OTC website. Delegates can register on the Norway2OTC website.

Agder will host several events, Starting May 3, in addition to the Norway2OTC program. GCE NODE will also host a joint stand at the OTC Exhibition. The Agder pre-OTC program is in the making and will of course include the traditional Agder Business and Networking Reception at the Wynden on Sunday May 5.

For further information, please contact Ann Marchioro, Project Manager at GCE NODE, phone +47 90 02 18 13.