Harald Furre is CEO of Oxford Research.

“In a successful cluster there is an ability to cooperate and compete at the same time”, says Harald Furre.

The CEO of Oxford Research in Kristiansand is a European Union appointed expert on business clusters. As part of NODE’s Cluster Development Program’s kick-off, Furre will provide a definition of a cluster and especially talk about what makes clusters successful.

“A business cluster is comprised of companies in a geographical region that constitutes a value chain. The cluster contributes to greater value creation as companies are able to learn from each other and also to study what competitors do”, says Furre.

“NODE has managed to find a balance which enables fierce competitors in a global market to cooperate on pre-competitive and non-competitive issues. It is hard to do, but NODE has found a way that proves beneficial to the cluster companies”, says Furre.

He will give his cluster presentation on the first day of the kick-off event.