Students from the University of Agder are ready to make a change in the business sector.

Bachelor and master students at the faculty of engineering and science seek internship for their 2023 fall semester, before writing their final thesis the following semester.

“We hope interest GCE NODE companies in this scheme. Our students will be presented the internship positions at the end of January, and we invite all businesses to present their open positions to our students in February,” says Jorunn S. Gislefoss, Faculty Director Engineering and Science at the University of Agder.

Internship is defined as an unpaid position where the student works between 200 and 300 hours for a company. During the internship period, the student must play an active part in the company’s everyday work. Tasks must provide learning relevant for the student’s study program. All interns have a designated contact person in the company and at the university.

According to Gislefoss, internship offers an opportunity for students to complete their bachelor’s or master’s thesis through a two-semester working project with their company.

Companies interested in onboarding an intern can find more information about the internship program. On the same site, they may register proposals for internship positions.