An increasing number of offshore installations will be retired in the near future. Decommissioning includes removal and transport of these installations to suitable onshore facilities and thereafter dismantling, recycling and disposing of the waste. Many companies in Agder have technology that can be utilized for this.
At a recent workshop in Kristiansand, NODE companies and top management for Kristiansand and Arendal port authorities were present to learn more about new market possibilities.
“Decommissioning is a moving target. Projects are repeatedly postponed. Still, more than 10 per cent of North Sea offshore installations have already been disassembled and removed. Wells are being plugged and abandoned”, says Dr. Andrew Sneddon.
He works part-time for Decom North Sea, a British not-for-profit organization with more than 300 members, including GCE NODE. Decom North Sea aims to minimize decommissioning costs, to ensure best value for taxpayers and to maximize business potential for its member companies.
“The decom market is here and it is growing. We expect it to peak in 2021, but we will see decom activities for decades to come”, says Sneddon.

Rune Hvass, Harbour Master of Arendal, sees business opportunities for the Agder region.
“Decommissioning will be a substantial part of offshore activities in years to come. It is important that Agder plays a role in this market. Our facility in Eydehavn seems to be an ideal location to bring offshore installations. I encourage businesses to reach out to understand how port authorities can assist them”, says Hvass.
Halvard Aglen, Port director in Kristiansand, is also keen to have a closer look at the decom market.
“It is in our strategy to assist the region’s business life in any capacity necessary. Thus, a large area of our port is designated for future offshore activities, which is important for our region. We should look at how we can utilize different ports for different parts of decommissioning”, says Aglen.
A new GCE NODE report Decom – business opportunities by Mads Grinrød, is available for NODE participants. To receive a copy, please contact Marit Dolmen, Head of RD&I at GCE NODE.