Jøran Bøch is CEO of Edge Consulting in Grimstad.

Executives from several NODE companies are interviewed in a survey conducted by Devoteam.

”When asked to look into the future, executives say their companies are likely to be in the same business as today. They predict that a higher percentage of revenue will come from foreign customers, compared to Norwegian customers”, says Jøran Bøch, General Manager of Devoteam in Grimstad.

Among the 21 executives interviewed are executives from NODE participants MacGregor, Sevan Marine, Norsafe, OSM Group, Qmatec and Maritime Communication Partner.

90 per cent of executives interviewed have a positive outlook for business in the region.

Read more from NRK and Fædrelandsvennen (Norwegian text only)

Businesses and public enterprises interviewed in Devoteam survey:

  • Agder Energi
  • Arendal municipality
  • Aust-Agder county
  • Aust-Agder utviklings- og kompetansefond
  • Elkem
  • Havforskningsinstituttet
  • IKT Agder
  • Kitron
  • Kristiansand Dyrepark
  • Kvinesdal kommune
  • MacGregor
  • Maritime Communication Partner
  • Norsafe
  • OSM Group
  • Qmatec
  • Regionale Forskningsfond Agder
  • Sevan Marine
  • Sparebanken Sør
  • Sørlandet sykehus
  • University of Agder
  • Vest-Agder county