Meeting at MHWirth (left-right): Alis Helene Tefre (Norwegian Oil and Gas Association), Jan Helge Viste (GCE NODE), Gro Bråten (Labour Party), Kai Steffen Østensen (Labour Party) and Eirik Bergsvik (MHWirth).

In a series of meetings, politicians from Agder, GCE NODE and the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association discussed the Covid-19 financial support package for the oil and gas industry.

The aim of the package was to stimulate investment decisions that would bring activities to the supplier industry. So far, effects are seen in some industry segments, but not all.

“It has only been four months since the support package was decided by the Parliament and hence it is still premature to conclude on the full effects of the package. We are very much interested to learn how the support package has helped various parts of the industry during these exceptional times. Our intention is to make known the activities launched by operators as a result of the package, but also to report back to operators and politicians on the effects of these activities,” says Alis Helene Tefre, Project Manager at the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (NOROG).

Three meetings were conducted last week, at MHWirth in Kristiansand, Nymo in Grimstad and Fenner Mandals in Mandal.

Politicians who attended the respective meetings include Agder County representatives Gro Bråten and Kai Steffen Østensen (both Labour Party), Mayor of Grimstad Beate Skretting (Conservative Party) and Mayor of Mandal Even Tronstad Sagebakken (Labour Party) and Deputy Mayor of Mandal Svein Jarle Haugland (Christian Democrats).

The feedback from the industry in Agder is that the package has had an effect, but that the effect has not yet fully reached the supplier industry, which is further out in the value chain.

“For the industry in general we expect 2021 to be more challenging then 2020, and 2022 may also prove more challenging than 2021,” said Eirik Bergsvik, CEO of MHWirth.

“This is important feedback and something we will have to address,” said Gro Bråten.

Meeting at Mandals (left-right): Knut Mjåland (Mandals), Alis Helene Tefre (Norwegian Oil and Gas Association), Tom Fidjeland (GCE NODE), Linda Brokke (Mandals), Even Tronstad Sagebakken (Labour Party) and Svein Jarle Haugland (Christian Democrats).
Meeting at Nymo (left-right): Alis Helene Tefre (Norwegian Oil and Gas Association), Øyvind Boye (Nymo), Beate Skretting (Conservative Party) and Ann Marchioro (GCE NODE).