These were among the key takeaways from a geothermal energy seminar this week.
More than 70 industry experts gathered at the University of Stavanger to explore the role of oil and gas competence and advanced drilling technology to enhance geothermal resource potential.
The seminar also addressed the challenges of deep geothermal extraction and the opportunities for regional businesses to develop solutions that could boost geothermal heat extraction in other European countries.
Key takeaways from the seminar:
- Shallow Geothermal Market Growth: Norway’s domestic geothermal market is fast-growing, with exciting developments in shallow geothermal solutions.
- Deeper Solutions on the Horizon: Beyond the surface, Norway is witnessing a surge in initiatives toward deeper geothermal solutions, both domestically and internationally.
- Norwegian Expertise Shines Bright: Our nation’s unparalleled competence in oil&gas drilling and well technology positions us uniquely on the global stage. Let’s seize these opportunities and let’s unleash the vast renewable and conflict free energy recourses!
- Geothermal energy is “short-travel” energy eliminating additional energy distribution cost.
“A heartfelt thank you to our exceptional speakers from Norway and beyond, as well as the 70+ participants who joined us for an inspiring geothermal seminar. Let’s continue this geothermal journey together!” says an inspired RD&I Manager at GCE NODE, Christian von der Ohe.
This event was made possible by a generous sponsorship from Stavanger Municipality and the collaborative efforts of GCE NODE, GEAN, NORCE, UiS, and NTVA.