Alexander Overgaard (top) and Stian Larsen practice peer rescue while working at great heights.

Personnel used to travel abroad to complete a full Global Wind Organization safety certification. That is no longer necessary.

RelyOn Nutec in Kristiansand is now certified by the Global Wind Organization to provide all five modules in the GWO Basic Safety Traning program required for work in the on- and offshore windmill industry.

“We are excited to enter the market for wind power. The wind industry is growing rapidly and will be in demand of many skill workers and inspectors in years to come. Our job is to offer the best education possible to provide these workers with basic skills and knowledge that will enable them to work in and on windmills in a safe manner,” says Rolf Kristian Egeli, General Manager of RelyOn Nutec in Kristiansand.

The common international standards for safety training and emergency procedures in the wind power marked is set by the Global Wind Organisation, GWO, an international non-profit body founded by leading windmill manufacturers and owners.

As windmills keep getting taller and more advanced, the organization has launched a GWO Basic Safety Training program which consists of five different modules: First Aid, Fire Awareness, Manual Handling, Working at Heights and Sea Survival/Boat Transfer.

As the first company in Norway, RelyOn Nutec is proud to announce that we are now certified to deliver all GWO Basic Safety Training modules. Earlier, companies had to send personnel abroad to undergo parts of this education,” says Egeli.

The program is completed in six days with highly skilled instructors at RelyOn Nutec’s modern training center in Bjervika, close to Kristiansand Airport Kjevik.

“Our company has extensive experience with safety-, survival- and technical training to offshore, onshore and maritime industries. As a matter of fact, RelyOn Nutec in Kristiansand is one of the world-leaders when it comes to industrial safety,” says Center Manager Rune Larsen.

Formerly known as Sørlandet Sikkerhetssenter, the company has been part of NODE since the cluster’s early days. Falck Nutec acquired the company in 2015. Five years later Falck Group sold all safety related entities worldwide to Danish Polaris and chose the name RelyOn Nutec.

“Today we are present with 33 centres in 20 countries around the world, and in Kristiansand we offer 200 different courses and train approximately 3,500 people every year,” says Larsen.

He says there is great demand for safety training for windmill workers, both locally and nationally. Being certified by GWO has therefore been essential for RelyOn Nutec.

“With five of these courses under our belt in January alone, 35 participants have already been issued their GWO certificates. We have several more courses set up and there will be openings for those interested. We also offer GWO Basic Safety Training Refresher and GWO Basic Technical Training on request,” says Larsen.

Center Manager Rune Larsen (left) and Rolf Kristian Egeli, General Manager of RelyOn Nutec in Kristiansand are pleased to offer a certified education for the wind power industry.

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