All four RD&I projects nominated by GCE NODE for support from the “Innovasjonsrammen” program have been granted funding.

Three of the projects are granted between NOK 250,000 and 300,000 in funding. Recipients are Rebartek/Applica, Castor Drilling Solution and Future Well Control. The fourth project will not be identified at this point.

Rebartek/Applica: Development and testing of robotized iron binding prototype (pre-project). The goal is to develop a robot that can replace the manual work that is currently performed in connection with iron binding (reinforcement) in concrete structures. Iron binding accounts for approximately 5 million working hours in Norway alone, and there are often major HSE challenges related to the work. A robotized process will help reduce costs and risk in construction projects.

Castor Drilling Solution: Verification of digital engines for use in offshore tension systems for sea depths between 3000 and 150 meters (pre-project). When a drilling rig is to be moved from deep to shallow water, or vice versa, it is necessary to change and adjust the riser tensioning systems on the rig. This is both time consuming and expensive. This idea will simplify the operation by adopting digital engine systems on the tension systems which will provide an improved conversion time for floating rigs when moving drilling operations between varying sea depths.

Future Well Control: Development of a safety system for protection of drilling risers (pre-study). When drilling in deep water, there is an increased likelihood that gas will accidentally enter the riser, which can lead to major damage to equipment and crew, as well as uncontrolled discharges to the sea and atmosphere. This can be avoided by installing a safety system consisting of a computer-controlled pressure relief valve, which ensures that excess drilling mud is discharged from the system in case of a blocked riser outlet. The unique part with the invention is that the relief system is from the riser bottom through the booster line. This idea will contribute to a higher safety level and reduced cost associated with drilling and riser gas handling in deep water.

“We are thrilled to see that four RD&I projects from GCE NODE companies will be launched as a result of our recommendations presented to the “Innovasjonsrammen” program. We encourage more companies to explore the possibilities found in various public funding schemes, and we are happy to assist our cluster companies in finding the right programs for their RD&I efforts,” says Marianne Engvoll, RD&I Manager at GCE NODE.

For more information about Innovasjonsprosjekt for næringslivet (The Research Council of Norway – deadline: September 25)or any major EU project (several deadlines), please contact Marianne Engvoll.

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