Marius T. Kristiansen is PhD Candidate at the University of Agder and SFI Offshore Mechatronics Work Package 7.

PhD Candidate sets out to describe the role of digitalization as the ecosystem moves towards service- and outcome-oriented business models.

Marius T. Kristiansen, PhD Candidate in Innovation Management at the School of Business and Law at the University of Agder, is the first PhD Candidate associated with the SFI Offshore Mechatronics Work Package 7.

Monday, Kristiansen introduced himself during a WP7 webinar, listing several tentative objectives for his research:

  • Contribute to a roadmap to develop value delivery and value capture capabilities “towards autonomous offshore operations”
  • Holistic audit of the current capabilities for servitization in the ecosystem(s) connected to SFI Offshore Mechatronics
  • Describe the role of digitalization and shift in bargaining as the ecosystem moves towards service- and outcome-oriented business models
  • Describe what companies would have to maintain, build, integrate and reconfigure to maintain competitiveness through digitalization and servitization strategies.

“The working title for my scientific article is “Digital technologies impacting ecosystem interaction: Examining firm’s exploratory phase in business model innovation towards servitization”, explained Kristiansen.

Approximately 20 people follow the webinar in which Ivar-Jo Baunbæk Theien, Senior Advisor at Innovation Norway provided insight into the support schemes for spin-offs and entrepreneurs, and Innovation Norway’s accelerator and Green Platform programs.

He was followed by Isabelle-Louise Aabel, EU Advisor at GCE NODE, who talked about The European Green Deal, and Anne-Grete Ellingsen, Project Manager at NORCE, who gave an update on the Digital Innovation Hub Ocean Technology.