Political Advisor Hanna S. Atic (center) at the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries came to Kristiansand to receive input from the maritime industry. Left: Anne Lene Dale, CEO of GCE NODE.

15 companies and organizations met with the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries in Kristiansand Monday.

The purpose of the meeting was to give input to a new governmental white paper on the maritime industry.

“We are pleased to meet with industry representatives through a series of similar meetings all across the nation. We appreciate any input, as they will give us a better understanding of the industry,” says Hanna S. Atic, Political Advisor at the Ministry.

Several companies emphasized the necessity for a home market for development of new technology, such as floating offshore wind.

The meeting was hosted by Maritime Forum South and GCE NODE.

“We welcome a new white paper on maritime politics in Norway. It is time for a broad approach to ocean-based industries,” says Anne Lene Dale, CEO of GCE NODE.