Marianne Engvoll, RD&I Manager at GCE NODE.

GCE NODE has accepted an invitation to join the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Center for Geothermal Energy Research (CGER).

“An increasing number of GCE NODE companies show interest in geothermal energy. This is an opportunity to establish an even closer relationship with the leading researchers in the field,” says Marianne Engvoll, RD&I Manager at GCE NODE. She will represent the cluster in CGER.

CGER is comprised of key research and industrial partners. The center builds a platform which strengthens national cooperation in research and technology development within geothermal energy research and development. Fields of interest include resource mapping and geological surveys, drilling technology, environmental impacts, reservoir engineering, process technology, energy conversion and system modeling.

CGER, which has partners from all over Norway, is based in Bergen with Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE) as the host institution.

“We are delighted to have GCE NODE, which we have had good relations with for a long time, join our Steering Committee. NODE is an interesting industry cluster with highly relevant competence and technology within geothermal energy,” says Inga Berre, leader of CGER Steering Committee.

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