Managing Director at National Oilwell Varco Norway, Frode Jensen (left) at the GCE NODE Strategy Meeting 2017 at Fevik Strand Hotel in Grimstad.

Top executives of GCE NODE companies are invited to the 2020 GCE NODE Strategy Meeting next week.

“The purpose of the meeting is to carve out a strategy for GCE NODE for the coming years. The world is changing and time has come to assess our strategy before going forward,” says Anne Lene Dale, CEO of GCE NODE.

At Fevik Strand Hotel in Grimstad, GCE NODE companies and the administration meet Thursday and Friday (January 16-17) for inspirational talks and workshops.

“I look very much forward to get valuable input from companies on the future of GCE NODE,” says Dale. Our meeting in November put climate change, digitalization and the companies` contribution to reducing emissions very high on the agenda. I am eager to  continue discussions on how to meet future demands.