More than 70 people from the Agder region are heading for the Hamburg WindEnergy expo and conference this week.

“We are travelling to meet leading players to learn more about offshore wind, and to present what the Agder region can offer,” says Tom Fidjeland, CEO of GCE NODE.

Just like Norwegians travelled the world in the 1970s to understand the global oil industry, we again orientate ourselves internationally prior to the first development of offshore wind on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The Agder delegation to Hamburg comprises lots of industry leaders, but also of a group of mayors from Agder municipalities.

“The interaction between the public sector, the private sector and academia is crucial to succeeding in building Norway’s leading offshore wind region. This interaction has been exceptionally good during the past year!” says Fidjeland.

Good forces have pulled together in a venture coordinated and driven by the regional cooperation project Fremtidens Havvind and the GCE NODE offshore wind project.