“We are committed to the industry’s road map for a more sustainable future. In this project, we aim to increase competence on sustainability and environmental issues among executives and technical managers. We are pleased to partner with Norway’s leading business school and look forward to getting started,” says Audun Skare, Project Manager at GCE NODE.
Dyreparken Hotel in Kristiansand is the venue for the November 28-29 workshop, in which Sveinung Jørgensen and Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen from NHH will meet leaders from a number of GCE NODE companies.
Jørgensen and Pedersen are experienced researchers and consultants for Norwegian and international business executives, providing research-based advice on how to design profitable and sustainable business models. Jørgensen and Pedersen have co-authored RESTART: 7 paths to sustainable business (Norwegian text).
Video: Jørgensen and Pedersen talk about the workshop in Dyreparken (Norwegian language)
“My expectations are that this course will provide me with valuable and practical tools to implement sustainable business models into my daily operations and thereby strengthening my competitive advantage. The speakers have demonstrated an impressive ability to communicate academicand complex theories and experiences in a very practical and comprehensible manner,” says Dag Snemyr, CEO of In-Control.
“This is a highly targeted effort to speed up the development of sustainable business models in the oil and gas industry. In addition to the typical financial bottom line, we need to be aware of – and focus on – our environmental bottom line,” says Marie Borgen, Infrastructure and HR Manager at Nymo.
The project is funded by Innovation Norway.