At a meeting in Kristiansand Wednesday, the institute presented projects and competence that fits NODE well.
“We have a number of common interest,” says Martin Foss, Research Director of Fluid Flow and Environmental Technology at IFE.
Research activities at IFE are by large focused in areas that GCE NODE is also focusing on, such as digitalization, offshore energy, carbon capture, subsea mining, geothermal energy and more.
“We are certainly interested in connecting with a research foundation that has a global mindset and is, in certain areas, among the global frontrunners. We had a very good and productive meeting and we will look for ways to cooperate,” says Ellingsen.
Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) is an independent research foundation located at Kjeller and in Halden. IFE is at the forefront of several fields within international energy research, safety, environmental-, petroleum- and nuclear technology.
IFE develops new technological solutions for the industry and public sector in more than 30 countries. A speciality is IFE’s Isotope Laboratories, which have an extensive activity in the field of nuclear medicine and development of new radiopharmaceuticals. IFE is also the host of the International OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Founded in 1948, IFE has evolved in to an energy research foundation with 600 employees with focus on renewable energy, digitalization, oil & gas, health and environmental technology.