The DEMO2000 program will award MNOK 100 more for demonstration projects.

“The budget for DEMO2000 has increased by 100 million Norwegian kroner. We plan to spend 90 million based on a new call for proposals with a 17 February 2016 deadline. The rest will be spent on extending the current call for proposals which has a October 14 deadline”, says Anders J. Steensen, special advisor for the Research Council of Norway.

DEMO2000 is a technology program aimed at qualifying Norwegian technology. The program provides funding for piloting new technology that can reduce cost and increase efficiency and performance in the Norwegian sector.

DEMO2000 targets pilot installations within the following four main areas:

  • Energy efficient and environmentally sustainable technologies
  • Exploration and improved recovery
  • Cost-effective drilling and intervention
  • Future technologies for production, processing and transportation

“We recommend that you contact GCE NODE before writing your application. We have experts who can help you find the best funding option for your innovation”, says RD&I Manager at GCE NODE, Marit Dolmen.