“The Norwegian potential within offshore wind is equal to a mosquito’s potential on a nude beach: Tremendous,” says Jon Evang.
The Director of Offshore Wind at Renewables Norway, a non-profit industry organization for producers, distributors, and traders of electricity, smilingly made the comparison at the opening session of “Science Meets Industry: Offshore Wind” Monday.
“With its long and windy coastline, Norway is a perfect location for producing electricity using bottom-fixed and floating wind turbines offshore. The southernmost areas have the best wind resources,” says Evang.
Both Norway and other countries surrounding the North Sea Basin have huge ambitions for offshore wind. This presents enormous industrial opportunities.
“Offshore wind is already our largest renewable energy export, worth approximately 30 billion NOK per year – and growing,” says Evang.
He looks forward to the scheduled auction for a license to build and operate the first Norwegian offshore wind farm at Sørlige Nordsjø II later this month. Evang emphasized the need for regular announcements of new areas for offshore wind development.
“For Norway to reach its 40 GW target by 2040, 2 GW must be announced every year. Regularity and predictability will be essential for building a strong Norwegian offshore wind industry,” says Evang.
Atle Knudsen, EVP New Industries at Å Energi, also addressed the potential in the North Sea Basin and the need for speed in announcing and awarding licenses. Å Energi recently called for the establishment of a national innovation system for offshore wind accompanied by governmental funding to accelerate the build-up of the Norwegian offshore wind industry.