The University of Agder is looking for a PhD Research Fellow on fiber ropes, as part of SFI Offshore Mechatronics.

The University of Agder invites applications for a full-time, fixed-term position as Research Fellow in Condition Based Maintenance for a period of three years, at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Science. The position is located in Grimstad, Norway and will be part of work-package WP5 in the research centre SFI Offshore Mechatronics.

The WP5 of the SFI Mechatronics is led by the research institute Teknova AS, the work scope to be performed by the research fellow will be directed by Teknova AS in cooperation with University of Agder.  The starting date is as soon as possible/negotiable.

Teknova and the University of Agder have an extensive network of Norwegian and international partner universities and university colleges.

More information about the position