“Our conclusion ‘We need more of everything – faster!’ is based on the fact that we will soon have a power deficit in Norway. This is critical, because we need more power to meet demand, to decarbonize fossil industries, and to realize green export industries,” said Stubholt, Lawyer and Energy Partner at Law Firm Selmer.
She was a keynote speaker at the seminar ‘Science Meets Industry – Offshore Wind’ in Grimstad this week.
“Norway has been spoilt with a power surplus for decades. We act as if it is written in our constitution that we are entitled to have a power surplus. In just a few years, the situation will have changed dramatically. To meet increased demand, and to avoid being a net importer of power, we need to speed up development and building of more power sources,” said Stubholt.
The government-appointed committee she was a part of concluded that Norway should utilize lots of renewable energy sources, increase grid capacity and advocate more flexible and efficient use of energy.
“Our goal for 2030 is to increase renewable power – that is hydro, wind and solar – production by 40 TWh and reduce energy consumption by at least 20 TWh within 2030,” said Stubholt.
The committee recommended that the government develop an ambitious plans for offshore wind and offshore grids.
“We need to build all kinds of renewable power, and we need to speed up case processing and build grid capacity,” said Stubholt.
Science Meets Industry – Offshore Wind was hosted by GCE NODE, Norwegian Research Centre NORCE, the University of Agder and the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) at Strand Hotel Fevik over two days this week. More than 80 people attended this unique arena for bringing science and industry together to present and discuss ongoing research, technological challenges, new solutions, framework conditions, and more.
Physical limitations of wind turbines; Quantifying and tackling mass production; Technological advances; New developments for the Norwegian Continental Shelf; Co-existence and Environmental Impact. These and other topics were presented by research and industry experts. The seminar included a poster session and insights from companies that have successfully entered the offshore wind market.