Left-right: Kjell Rune Olsen (Lindesnes), Arne Wilhelmsen (Lindesnes), Kåre Andersen (Arendal), Liv Øyulvstad (Kvinesdal), Bodil Slettebø (Grimstad), Anne Torunn Hvideberg (Tvedestrand), Bjørn R. Saltermark (Project Manager, GCE NODE) and Anne Lene Dale (CEO, GCE NODE). — with Arne Wilhelmsen, Kåre Andersen, Liv Øyulvstad, Bodil Slettebø, Anne Torunn Hvideberg, Bjørn R. Saltermark and Anne Lene Dale.

GCE NODE’s annual meeting with the directors of business development in five Agder County municipalities was conducted in Arendal Friday morning.

A good dialogue with the business side of the municipalities is important for GCE NODE.