GCE NODE receives funding for several RD&I projects from Sørlandets Kompetansefond.

– Excellent news for the oil and gas industry in our region! We are very pleased! This enables us to fulfill many of the ambitions we have as a global center of expertise, says Anne-Grete Ellingsen, CEO of GCE NODE.

NODE projects funded by Sørlandets Kompetansefond:
NEW MATERIAL will arrange several thematic mini-workshops to analyze the results from the composites project – and give a general update of recent developments in new materials with relevance for offshore uses.

PLUG & ABANDONMENT: NODE will start a pre-study to determine possibilities within existing technology and the need for new solutions. NODE will focus on plug and abandonment, which is a major part of decommissioning. Plug and abandonment is not cyclically sensitive, as the work has to be done regardless of ups and downs in the oil and gas market.

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LAB: This program for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in GCE NODE aims to strengthen SME’s through identification of new markets for existing technologies, focus on internationalization and review of marketing strategy and business plans. The project offers a course for 2nd year MBA-students at the University of Agder with 10 full-day sessions and placement in companies. Course focuses on strategic business development with emphasis on the cluster’s main markets.

– All projects will start as soon as possible. The first kick-off is scheduled for Friday this week! We are excited to get started, says Marit Dolmen, RD&I Manager for GCE NODE.

Other offshore technology projects funded by Sørlandets Kompetansefond:
FUTURE ROBOTICS: All six industrial clusters and networks in the Agder region, that is GCE NODE, Eyde-nettverket, Arena Digin, Sørlandsporten Teknologinettverk, SINPRO and Lister Alliance; are partners in this cluster collaboration project funded by Sørlandets Kompetansefond and hosted by the University of Agder. The aim is to increase regional competence on robotics and automation. The idea is to develop the consortium, sub-groups and pre-studies, and to network with national and international stakeholders, mainly through the EU-initiative PPP Robotics.

CLEANTECH: This regional project is aimed to establish Agder’s leading position within water management. The idea is to identify areas for knowledge transfer between industry and water management within Agder. Partners include Teknova, NIVA, Eyde-nettverk, University of Agder, Lister Nyskapning, Kristiansand Kommune, Kristiansand Havn, Glencore, National Oilwell Varco and GCE NODE.

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