Tor Arne Hauge (left) is the founder and Chairman of the Board of Otechos.

For the second time in three years, Otechos has been granted support from the EU to further develop its patented CR technology.

The latest project grant from the Accelerator program enables Otechos to develop and install demonstration plants together with pilot partners NEL Hydrogen and Hybrid Energy by 2023.

Renewable energy sectors, such as heat recovery and hydrogen production, need robust and cost-effective solutions to be used on a large industrial scale. The new Otechos pump compressor is robust and simple and allows for significant energy savings and production of CO2-free fuel.

“This will pave the way for upscaling and growth, and eventually to establishing a market in Europe and globally. The grant is very important for the project and will enable us to get the pump compressor into the market,” says founder and Chairman of the Board of Otechos, Tor Arne Hauge.