Developers, port authorities, politicians, public officials, university representatives and the supplier industry came to share information and to discuss the new framework for Sørlige Nordsjø II and Utsira Nord, which are the first two Norwegian areas designated for production of offshore wind power.
For Sørlige Nordsjø II, the Norwegian government proposes an auction based on a qualitative prequalification process. For Utsira Nord, the proposal is a qualitative process with three winning bids.
“The proposed prequalification phase for Sørlige Nordsjø II, which focuses on qualitative criteria such as sustainability and local ripple effects, is crucial for building a strong Norwegian offshore wind industry. We are pleased to see the government include these qualities in the new framework,” says Rune Klausen and Isabelle-Louise Aabel at Fremtidens Havvind.
The Norwegian Government aims to tender the first phase of Sørlige Nordsjø II and Utsira Nord by the end of the first quarter of 2023. In the package sent for public consultation, the Government’s proposal for pre-qualification criteria, qualitative criteria and the allocation, auction and support model are presented.
A pre-qualification will be carried out for actors who wish to compete for the area in Sørlige Nordsjø II, first phase. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has drawn up a proposal for pre-qualification criteria that will contribute to the development of offshore wind in Norway in a sustainable way, and to ripple effects for society.
There will be an upper limit for the number of applicants who can be pre-qualified to participate in the further competition. In the public consultation, we ask for input on how this upper limit should be set. Applicants who are pre-qualified will then have the opportunity to participate in an auction.
The areas of Utsira Nord will be awarded on the basis of qualitative criteria. Among other things, the criteria will facilitate innovation and technology development in floating offshore wind. Utsira Nord has been opened for a capacity of 1,500 MW. The government will divide this area into three areas, where a wind power plant of 500 MW can be built within each area. Also for Utsira Nord, the general goal is that state funding is as low as possible. Thus, there will be a competition for state funding.