Cyber security expert Eirik Knutssen Moen is a speaker at the Security Talks 2020 conference.

If your worst fear is downtime, it is time to reconsider your cyber security strategy. It is not only your reputation, but also your existence that is at stake.

Cyber security is a constant battle, and even if you have spent time and money to close hundreds of potential security holes, the hacker only has to find one vulnerability to exploit. While it is not ideal that someone has found a potential weak spot, the ability to detect and react to it is vital. 

“I would not feel comfortable buying something or even sharing personal information, with a company that has both failed to understand that it was hacked, and also kept quiet about it,” says cyber security expert Eirik Knutssen Moen. 

On November 17th, he is one of the speakers at Security Talks 2020, a conference that discusses and gives insight into the fast-evolving world of cyber security. 

From his current position at Telenor Security Operation Center in Arendal, and from a long career in cyber security, Moen has firsthand knowledge of the threats imposed by hackers. 

“Based on their cybersecurity track record, there are a number of companies that I will never consider doing business with. The problem is not that a company has been hacked. What is worse is if the company has been unable to detect it, and later choose not to disclose it. This is a failure at so many vital steps that it’s not worth the risk,” says Moen. 

He believes this is – and should be – the predominant position for both private and corporate customers. 

“Would you share your credit card information on a website of a company that recently had a major security breach, from which sensitive information was leaked?” asks Moen. 

In his talk on November 17, Moen will discuss why some organizations go bankrupt after cyber security breaches, while others are given long grace periods to get back on their feet. 

“The reason for the latter is that some companies, even though they have had security issues, are able to prove that they have a strategy for preventing such attacks. Raising the cyber security maturity level is important, but equally important is the planning and the ability to execute when things go wrong,” says Moen. 

He will give examples of why the ability to detect and react is vital to the survival of your organization. 

“It is not a matter of if you get hacked, but rather when. You need to be prepared,” says Moen. 

Security Talks 2020 is organized by GCE NODE, Eyde Cluster, Maritimt Forum South, Digin, Noroff School of Technology and Digital Media, and Society of Electrical and Automatic Control (NFEA). 

Please join this important conference to be updated on threats and challenges related to cyber security for the business sector. The conference is particularly well suited for top management, board members and operatives. 

READ MORE: Security Talks 2020 :: See full program