Present at a steering group meeting (left-right): Marit Dolmen (GCE NODE), Anne Maj Knutsen Kåveland (Applica and Digin), Erik Hillesund (SINPRO), Kristine Wikander (project manager), Helene Falch Faldmark (NCE Eyde) and Søren Kragholm (University of Agder, project owner).

Six industrial clusters and networks in the Agder region, comprising more than 200 companies, are partners in a cluster collaboration project called Future Robotics.

“We aim to increase regional competence on robotics and automation. The idea is to develop the consortium, sub-groups and pre-studies. We will network with national and international stakeholders”, says project manager Kristine Wikander.

Clusters GCE NODE, NCE Eyde, Digin, Sørlandsporten Teknologinettverk, SINPRO and Lister Alliance are all part of the project funded by Sørlandets Kompetansefond and hosted by the University of Agder.

“We know that several companies in Agder are familiar with robots, while others have just recently started to explore the area. We have commissioned a study from Agderforskning, which will map the clusters’ competencies within automatics and robotics. The study will provide insights vital to determining the future activities in the project”, says Wikander.

NCE Eyde is perhaps the cluster with the most experience within automation and has a committee on automation to prove it. GCE NODE is contemplating establishing a similar committee.

Future Robotics has built a website and is regularly distributing digital newsletter. Check out the website at and sign up for the newsletter.

Steering group for Future Robotics:

  • Kristine Wikander (project manager)
  • Marit Dolmen (GCE NODE)
  • Helene Falch Faldmark (NCE Eyde)
  • Anne Torunn Hvideberg (Digin)
  • Kim Kristensen (Lister Alliance)
  • Erik Hillesund (SINPRO)
  • Per Arnt Tellefsdal (Sørlandsporten Teknologinettverk)
  • Thore Jarle Sørensen (Teknova)
  • Frank Reichert (University of Agder)
  • Søren Kragholm (University of Agder, project owner)

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