In June, Greenstat and Everfuel received a governmental grant of NOK 148 million to build a hydrogen factory in Kristiansand. The factory is scheduled to start production in the last quarter of 2024, as one of five coastal plants that are supported by the government to grow the Norwegian hydrogen industry.
Torstein Ekern, CEO of Greenstat, which is a co-owner and co-operator of hydrogen production plants, brought some enthusiasm to the initial network meeting:
“Hydrogen is happening in Norway right now! Greenstat has been in the hydrogen business since 2015 and we are very excited. It is happening! Projects are being realized,” said Ekern.
In its first phase, the Greenstat/Everfuel plant in Kristiansand will produce 8 tons hydrogen per day, increasing to 24 tons in a second phase. Off-takers are primarily ships. Hydrogen is a clean and large energy carrier that is well suited for heavy transport and shipping.

Production of hydrogen is likely to develop into a major industry both in Agder, in Norway and internationally as we transition to a more renewable and sustainable society. Several European countries are already well on their way. Norway, with its coastline, resources and expertise have some natural advantages and is considered to be a future key player in the international hydrogen market.
A report from Menon Economics states that hydrogen in Norway is a NOK 1.5 billion industry with 815 jobs and close to NOK 1 billion in exports. By 2030, Menon estimates that hydrogen will have grown to a NOK 83 billion industry with 5,800 jobs and NOK 61 billion in exports.
“This presents great opportunities,” says Tanja Erichsen, Senior Manager Business Development at Greenstat and Project Manager for Agder H2.
“Agder H2 is a new network for those who already work with hydrogen, and those who are exploring the possibilities that this new market offers. If you are interested in hydrogen and the green shift, you are invited to join the network. Membership is free and industry independent,” says Erichsen.

The three-year Agder H2 Network project comprises five work packages:
- Mapping of hydrogen projects in Agder
- Promoting cooperation and creating synergies between projects and with other hydrogen networks in Norway.
- Taking part in European projects, especially in the transportation sector
- Running and developing a regional hydrogen network
- Positioning Agder in the hydrogen industry
Partners in the Agder H2 Network are GCE NODE, Greenstat, Nikkelverket, Agder Energi, the University of Agder, NORCE, Agder County and Business Region Kristiansand. The project is run by GCE NODE and supported by Sørlandets Kompetansefond.
“Clusters have proven to work well in our region and in particular in immature industries. Hydrogen and offshore wind as examples of this,” said Peder Klemsdal, CEO of Sørlandets Kompetansefond. His organization has is funding both the Agder H2 Network and the offshore wind project Fremtidens Havvind.
Read more and sign up to be part of the Agder H2 Network: