Anne-Grete Ellingsen, CEO of GCE NODE.

What you would normally have to travel to Boston to learn, you are now able to learn in Kristiansand.

Anne-Grete Ellingsen, CEO of GCE NODE, strongly recommends GCE NODE companies to sign up for the four-day intensive summer school course in Kristiansand in early June.

“This is an unique opportunity to learn from a world-leading institution and from a world-leading expert on innovation and entrepreneurship. I wouldn’t want to miss it,” says Ellingsen.

GCE NODE has cooperated with the University of Agder to make the program as relevant as possible for the industry.

“The program is definitely international, but there are regional elements and real business cases to dive into,” says Ellingsen, with reference to Mechatronics Innovation Lab and RedRock, which are both part of the program.

The Entrepreneurship Summer School targets entrepreneurs and those who dream of becoming an entrepreneur, but also people who work with innovations and entrepreneurship in a company, in a university, in an industrial cluster or in a public institution responsible for entrepreneurship.

“I expect to see a mix of start-ups, and established companies that continually innovate and develop their businesses. Both have an opportunity to learn from an acknowledged institution that have enjoyed great success in the field of entrepreneurship,” says Ellingsen.

February 05th 2025

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