International Welding Engineer (IWE) courses are now offered as individual courses taught on weekends.

This means that anyone who meets the requirements for admission to the University of Agder can take these modules as long as they register as students and pay the semester fee.

The 2020 IWE program will commence in January and conclude with an oral exam in December.

“It is likely to be a mixed class with students from both the university and the business sector,” says Tor John Rødsås, Associate Professor at the University of Agder Department for Engineering Sciences.

“There is also something new this year regarding the regulatory requirements for the issuance of IWE diplomas that cater to candidates who do not have a BSc. As a result of the 2019 International Institute of Welding congress, persons without a BSc, but with Norwegian technical vocational school and international welding technician, can be issued an IWE diploma. This requires further evaluation of qualifications, and the IWE education must be complemented with a 10 credits university course,” explains Rødsås.

The start date for the University of Agder IWE courses is January 17, 2020. There will be 3 weekend sessions in the spring semester, the first on January 17-19. There is no course fee, but the semester fee of NOK 750 must be paid.

Registration period: December 2019 to January 10, 2020.